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LCS - Book I - Lucanian
LCS - Book I - Lucanian
Part. 1 - Early Lucanian (c. 440-370 B.C.)
Part. 2 - Later Lucanian
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I. The Workshop of the Pisticci and Amykos Painters
II. The Intermediate Group
III. The Workshop of the Creusa and Dolon Painter
IV. Brooklyn-Budapest Painter
IX. The Primato Group
Part. 1 - Early Lucanian (c. 440-370 B.C.)
Part. 2 - Later Lucanian
V. The Choephoroi Painter
VI. The Sydney Painter
VII. Roccanova Painter
VIII. The Painter of Naples 1959 and his followers
Contenus avec " Volume RVAp/LCS : LCS - Book I - Lucanian "
Acrobat Painter
Amykos Painter
Anabates Painter
Arnò Painter
Barbarized descendants of the Primato Painter
Barbarized followers of the Painter of Naples 1959
Big-Head Painter
Brooklyn Group (BBP early vases)
Budapest Group (BBP later vases)
Closely associated in style with the Locri Painter
Creusa Painter
Cyclop Painter
Dawlish Painter
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LCS - Book I - Lucanian